“Across the Solent, DJ Rob da Bank continues his one-man mission to turn the Isle of Wight into the UK's sauna capital....aiming for a sauna on every corner of the island.” — Joanne O'Connor, The Guardian Magazine “Move over pubs! Saunas are the hot new hangouts” — Kate Spicer, Sunday Times Style magazine. “Combining the cost with a dose of wellness, book in the sauna at Compton Bay.” — Alexandria Dale, Cosmopolitan “Rob Da Bank pledges to make the Isle of Wight a sauna hot spot.” — BBC News “The DJ, who is evangelical about the benefits of sweating profusely in a wooden cabin, wants to put a sauna on every corner of the island to help boost mental health and wellbeing among the populations.” — Alexandra Topping, The Guardian “The UK's sunniest isle, vying to become a sauna isle.” — Jane Anderson, iNews.co.uk “Could ‘slow motion’ saunas become the new cold swimming?” — Alexandra Topping, The Guardian